Personality traits of judges at the different stages of professionalization

  • Черемискина Ирина Игоревна

    I. I. Cheremiskina. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vladivostok. Russia


Prevention of adverse conditions associated with special conditions of professional activity is one of the priority tasks of the labor psychology. The judicial system in the Russian Federation plays the role of public arbitrator and protects all spheres of activity regulated by law, but this
system consists from the ordinary people who have a high moral responsibility. The choice of this type of professional activity is likely due to various subjective factors, in particular special personal qualities, which in the process of long-term performance of professional duties can
take the form of professional deformation, which in turn reduces their level of professional efficiency. The article presents a comparative analysis of the personal qualities and intellectual abilities of judges at different stages of professionalism, namely candidates for office and judges with experience of 3 years. The results of real professional diagnostics using diagnostic methods recommended for this procedure are used. The differences found suggest that in the process of professionalization judges escalate some personality traits and develop specific intellectual abilities. The results in theoretical terms can add scientific ideas about the formation of a specific professional type of personality in the profession and in practical terms – to be the basis for the development and implementation of psychological preventive measures in the judicial system.
Keywords: personality traits, professional deformation, judge